Monday Motivation
As a 10-year-old kid, Thanksgiving was all about the food

As a 10-year-old kid, Thanksgiving was all about the food.
Mashed potatoes.
Apple pie with vanilla ice cream.
Thanksgiving has always been one of my favorite holidays.
But as I’ve grown older, Thanksgiving has become something more.
It’s a time to pause and reflect on what I’m truly grateful for.
In the busyness of life, it’s easy to lose sight of our blessings.
This holiday is a much-needed reminder to appreciate the good around us.
Professionally, I’m grateful for a year of growth and challenges.
We’ve expanded into new markets, experimented with services, and turned uncertainties into opportunities.
One client relationship, in particular, blossomed.
It’s become a true partnership, reminding me why we do what we do.
On a personal level, my mom’s recent health improvement has been a gift I didn’t expect.
Parkinson’s is still part of our reality.
But seeing her happier and more capable has been incredibly uplifting.
I’m also grateful for my daughter, who’s now in 8th grade.
As she grows older, I’m cherishing the little moments.
Her volleyball games.
Family vacations.
Swimming in the ocean.
I’m proud of the effort I’ve put into moving up a skill level in pickleball.
It was a goal I set for myself earlier this year.
Seeing hard work pay off in something I love doing has been rewarding.
And finally, I’m thankful for you, the reader.
Writing this newsletter each week has allowed me to reflect, grow, and hold myself accountable.
Your kind words and support mean more than you know.
This Thanksgiving, I hope you, too, take a moment.
Reflect on your blessings.
Find gratitude in the journey.
Moments of reflection are gifts we give ourselves.
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