Lead Generation

Re-establishing a Global Experiential Agency Post-Pandemic through Outbound Lead Generation


A global brand experience agency, specializing in creating extraordinary events and marketing campaigns.


Boston, Massachusetts


Event & Experiential Marketing Agency

Target Audience

Enterprise Financial Services, Healthcare, and Technology Companies


Our strategic approach resulted in over 25 successful meetings with key enterprise companies in the financial and technology sectors. The campaign achieved a 13.7% accounts targeted to meetings held ratio, significantly surpassing the industry standard and tripling the average conversion rate. Notable new relationships with major companies like Palo Alto Network, Square, Astra-Zeneca, and BlackRock enhanced our client’s market position and engagement levels, reestablishing their presence in these crucial sectors.

Meetings Booked

Leveraging the trends report as a lead magnet, we created a targeted list of companies in the financial services and technology sectors, the client’s core growth areas. We conducted thorough research on each company to understand the size and scope of their events teams and the events they produced or sponsored. Our approach included crafting hyper-personalized messages referencing their live events and suggesting ways to evolve them in the post-pandemic era.


The pandemic severely impacted experiential agencies, disrupting in-person events and heavily affecting revenue streams. Our client faced the significant challenge of rebuilding their pipeline in a landscape of uncertainty and change. A key part of this challenge was effectively reconnecting with markets, particularly in the financial services and technology sectors, where they needed to bolster their presence.


As a global events agency, the client had unique insights into how different countries were affected by COVID-19 and their stages of reopening. They compiled these insights into a trends report aimed at helping their clients reimagine live events strategies. Recognizing the value of this report, we helped our client transform it into a compelling lead magnet for our outbound program, initiating new relationships with prospects and showcasing their valuable thought leadership.

We helped our client transform it into a compelling lead magnet for our outbound program, initiating new relationships with prospects and showcasing their valuable thought leadership.

Leveraging the trends report as a lead magnet, we created a targeted list of companies in the financial services and technology sectors, the client’s core growth areas. We conducted thorough research on each company to understand the size and scope of their events teams and the events they produced or sponsored. Our approach included crafting hyper-personalized messages referencing their live events and suggesting ways to evolve them in the post-pandemic era.


enterprise meetings held


industry average of accounts targeted to meetings held


major brands like Palo Alto, Square, and Roblox

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