Monday Motivation
During the pandemic, I made a decision that transformed into a lasting habit.

During the pandemic, I made a decision that transformed into a lasting habit.
As gyms shuttered, I turned to running outdoors to stay fit.
Still, today, I lace up my sneakers 3x a week.
I pop in my earbuds.
I open an app that tracks my distance and pace.
And I go.
But recently, an intriguing observation emerged.
What I listen to influences my running speed.
Techno and trance, with pulsating high BPMs, propels me to finish my runs at my fastest pace.
Conversely, with podcasts or 80s rock ballads, my pace becomes more leisurely, almost reflective.
The interesting part?
My inherent athletic ability remains consistent.
The only variable is the tempo of the background score.
The observation led to an epiphany about leadership.
Just as music determines my running rhythm, a founder or business leader orchestrates the pace of their company and team.
Leaders with energy, passion, and determination magnetize the team.
Hard work,
And zeal becomes the benchmark.
However, uninspiring, inconsistent, or unprincipled leaders limit team potential.
These founders and leaders place barriers to achieving optimum results.
Great leaders embody the ethos, diligence, and aspirations they wish to see in their teams.
Is your team missing the mark?
Perhaps it’s time to introspect the pace and example you’re setting.
Want to accelerate your team’s speed?
Be the catalyst driving that momentum.
The speed of the leader determines the rate of the pack.
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