Monday Motivation
A few years ago, my mom received a medical diagnosis.

A few years ago, my mom received a medical diagnosis.
Parkinson’s disease.
She was the matriarch.
But the disease is slowly chipping away at her cognitive and mobility skills.
It’s heartbreaking.
I live in Chicago.
My parents in Arizona.
The miles between us feel like a chasm.
I often feel powerless, unable to be there to help.
I typically visit every 6 months.
With each visit, I worry it could be the last.
Most recently, I decided I couldn’t wait the standard 6 months.
I felt compelled to see her sooner.
I looked at my calendar.
Mother’s Day seemed like the perfect occasion.
My daughter and I flew to Arizona.
We spent the first day together.
That evening, we ordered pizza.
The simple pleasure brought a sparkle to Mom’s eyes.
But then, everything changed.
My daughter, dad, and I left the dinner table.
Mom lingered behind, finishing her last slice.
Suddenly, my father’s voice echoed through the house.
His tone was filled with unspoken dread.
He had found my mother slumped over in her chair.
She was unresponsive.
Our world froze.
Was this the moment I had feared?
Was this why I had felt the need to visit?
A million thoughts raced through my mind.
My dad and I attempted to revive her.
Her pulse was faint but present, a glimmer of hope amid the chaos.
I dialed 911.
Finally, relief washed over us as the paramedics arrived.
We explained her condition, her medication, and the situation.
After what felt like an eternity, her eyes opened.
Color returned to her cheeks.
She was awake.
The paramedics believe it was a reaction to the medication.
Mom was taken to the hospital for tests.
She returned later that same evening, tired but stable.
The next day, she felt better.
We were able to spend the rest of the weekend together.
Each moment, laugh, and shared memory felt extra treasured.
The fear of losing her hung over us.
But it wasn’t her time.
Not yet.
Life had given me a dry run of the inevitable.
It was a cruel glimpse of the future.
But it also reminded me.
Trust my instincts.
Value the time I have with my loved ones.
Life is fleeting.
Time is precious.
Cherish every moment.
Every opportunity to say, “I love you.”
Every moment we share is nothing short of a miracle.
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