Monday Motivation
I never thought I would find myself in the top 1% of pickleball players just 2 years after picking up the paddle for the first time.

I never thought I would find myself in the top 1% of pickleball players just 2 years after picking up the paddle for the first time.
But from the start, I loved the game.
I loved the competitive spirit it brought back into my life.
Over time, I’ve advanced to a 4.5 level player.
That places me among the top 1% of players.
But my goal is to reach the coveted 5.0 level.
Only 0.5% (or less) of players achieve this level.
To help reach this next level, I train with a pro.
Recently, he advised me to change my grip.
My current grip got me to where I am today.
But switching to a new grip will enhance my speed and power.
The transition is really tough.
I’m used to my old grip.
Every shot feels different now (almost like I’m starting over).
But I’ve decided to trust his advice.
I believe that this change is necessary for my growth.
The lesson is clear.
What got me here won’t get me there.
This lesson extends beyond pickleball and into business.
In sports, metrics are clear, feedback is immediate, and the environment is controlled.
However, business is more complex and qualitative.
My initial company goal was to reach $1MM in revenue, which we achieved.
Now, the target is $10 million.
Just as I need to change my pickleball grip, I need to evaluate what changes are necessary for my business to reach this new milestone.
The people, processes, and technologies that got us to $1MM may not get us to $10MM.
This might mean…
Revisiting our marketing strategies.
Introducing new services.
Or changing how I lead and delegate within the organization.
I encourage you to reflect on your personal and professional lives.
Consider whether your current actions will help you reach your next goal.
Are you content with where you are?
Or are you willing to make the necessary changes, however challenging, to achieve something greater?
We can’t become what we want by remaining what we are.
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