Over the holidays, I had more opportunities to hit the pickleball courts.
Pickleball is a sport I’ve grown to love.
It’s been a journey of learning and excitement, but not without its challenges.
During the break, there were days when my game wasn’t as sharp as I felt it should be.
It led me to question if I’d hit my peak.
However, a look back at my pickleball journey over the past year offered a valuable perspective.
At this point last year, I had only been playing for a few months.
Since then, I’ve…
Won medals in tournaments at three increasing levels.
Become a certified pickleball instructor.
Made many new, great friends.
A realization hit me.
I was viewing my progress through a narrow lens.
It’s easy to let a few lousy games or a challenging year in our businesses cloud our judgment.
But here’s the epiphany.
Both in sports and business, success and confidence are intertwined.
On the pickleball court, a lack of confidence causes hesitation.
It affects performance.
We miss routine shots.
In business, a challenging year can shake our confidence.
It makes us risk averse.
We miss opportunities for growth and innovation.
However, by expanding our time horizon, we see a different story.
My pickleball skills have undoubtedly grown over time.
So, too, has my business over the past 3 years.
It’s about looking beyond the immediate setbacks and focusing on the long term.
It’s about trusting the process.
It’s about recognizing that while there will be valleys, there will also be peaks.
Whether on the pickleball court or in the boardroom, remember:
Confidence breeds success, and success breeds confidence.
If you’re feeling disheartened, remember your journey, celebrate the small wins, and keep pushing forward.
Your past growth is a testament to your potential.
Keep your eyes on the horizon and embrace the long-term vision.
Know that with persistence, the cycle of success and confidence will continue to propel you forward.
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