Monday Motivation
This is going to be a disaster.

This is going to be a disaster.
I thought this to myself.
I’m an avid runner and pickleball player.
My weekly routine includes 3-4 sessions for each.
During a recent road trip, I couldn’t keep my disciplined lifestyle.
No weights.
No running.
No pickleball.
No healthy food either.
When I returned, I dreaded resuming my regime.
Surprisingly, my first 3-mile run post-vacation was my fastest of the year.
The triumph continued on the pickleball court.
Even after a ten-day hiatus, I played my best games yet.
How could this be?
The revelation came in two parts: Rest and Psychological Refreshment.
Over time, constant physical activity had tired me out.
My vacation acted as a restorative pause.
It allowed my body to recover and rebuild.
This, paired with a mental reset, reduced stress and rejuvenated me.
It sparked the unexpected surge in performance.
Measuring the time-off’s impact on running and pickleball is easy.
But I can’t help but believe it’s also positively impacting me with productivity and creativity at work.
The experience made me realize the power of stepping away.
It could be a brief walk during a hectic workday.
It could be sleeping on a challenging project.
It could be a full-fledged vacation.
Time off isn’t just an escape.
It’s an essential tool for self-rejuvenation.
It primes you to return stronger and more motivated.
It boosts your performance in all areas.
Take that break.
It might just be the secret to your next personal best.
Taking a step away can be the leap forward you need.
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