Monday Motivation
Was time passing me by?

Was time passing me by?
Every new year, I reflect on the past and plan for the future.
This year, I found myself asking this question.
It seems like yesterday, I was a child building sand castles, wanting to be a grown-up.
Eight years of grade school seemed like an eternity.
High school went a little quicker.
College went by even faster.
My 20s were a blur.
I was blessed with my daughter in my 30s.
But I blinked.
Now Bianca’s 11, and I’m in my mid-40s.
There are things I wanted to do but didn’t.
Backpack in Europe for a year.
Get Bianca a puppy.
Spend more time with Mom and Dad.
As part of my annual reflection, I summarize the year’s achievements and experiences.
The exercise put things into perspective.
While true, I haven’t done everything I ever wanted.
I’ve accomplished and done a lot.
All of this got me thinking about success and significance.
Two words, often used interchangeably but with vastly different meanings.
Success is achieving one’s desired outcome or goal.
Significance is the impact one has on the lives of others.
My life’s primary focus so far has been on me.
My successes.
Yet, if I look at what I am most proud of.
It’s others’ successes.
Raising Bianca to become a kind and intelligent young woman.
Developing employees and watching them have prosperous careers.
Helping clients grow their businesses and realize their dreams.
As I consider my future, I am asking how I can make a bigger impact beyond my own.
If I pursue success, my joy is the result of my success.
But if I pursue significance, my joy is the result of others’ success.
Successful people are not always significant.
But significant people are always successful.
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