Monday Motivation
“Why do we live in an apartment, Dad? I thought your business was successful.”

“Why do we live in an apartment, Dad? I thought your business was successful.”
I could see the confusion in my daughter’s eyes.
Why would her father choose an apartment over a house?
Society taught her that homeownership is the American dream.
But not mine.
Not anymore.
I owned a home before.
But it came with shackles.
Always something breaking.
Endless landscaping.
All that space to keep clean.
It felt like a second job.
Besides the time commitment, was the monetary commitment.
Apartment living is less costly than owning a home.
I use the money saved for trips and experiences.
There’s no long-term mortgage keeping me in one place.
As my daughter nears high school, we can move school districts.
But I didn’t always see it this way.
Growing up, like my daughter, I equated success with luxurious things.
Sprawling mansions.
Flashy sports cars.
Designer wardrobes.
But as I grew older, life events stirred a shift within me.
Becoming a father.
Losing loved ones.
Priorities were put in perspective.
I began to see that success was about something other than money.
Success was about freedom.
But this isn’t about inspiring you to lease an apartment.
It’s about redefining success.
Success is…
Turning down a high-paying job that prevents work-life balance.
Firing a toxic client that sucks your energy.
Standing up to societal norms that are at odds with your values.
For me, that means…
Living life on my terms.
Making my own decisions.
Expressing my true self.
As we celebrate our country’s independence, think about what freedom means for you.
Personal freedom is the ultimate luxury one can afford.
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