A lightbulb went off.
Every time I get on the treadmill, I set it to 6.9.
It’s an 8:42 pace per mile.
After a 1/4 mile, I can gauge how the run will feel.
Most days, it’s the right pace.
But some days, my legs feel like lead.
I want to give up.
But I push myself to keep going and finish the workout.
And then there are other days when the run is effortless.
My feet feel light.
Before I know it, I’ve already completed 1 mile.
That’s when I ask myself.
Stick to my pace and cruise to the finish, or push myself even harder?
I crank it.
7.5, 8.0, 8.5, and even 9.0.
Each increment invigorates me.
I could run through a wall.
I didn’t even realize I could still run this fast!
These days make me stronger, improve my endurance, and help me see new possibilities.
The last time this happened, the lightbulb went off.
My treadmill experience parallels day-to-day life.
Most days are good; nothing spectacular or terrible happens.
But some days, life throws curveballs.
It’s important to push through and not give up.
And then there are other days when everything just clicks.
We’re in the zone.
It’s time to crank it.
Finish that project.
Make that call.
Do something creative.
These days make us stronger, improve our endurance, and help us see new possibilities.
You will never know your limits until you push yourself to them.
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