Monday Motivation

Not long ago, I was a newcomer in agency business development

Not long ago, I was a newcomer in agency business development.

I was eager to catch up with my peers on their career paths.

So, I read every article and book I could find on sales.

My mission was simple: absorb knowledge like a sponge.

But it was challenging to retain everything.

Until a spark of inspiration led me to start a blog.

It was a canvas.

I could paint my experiences and blend them with the theories I read about.

My early posts ranged from how to write compelling emails to crafting cold call scripts.

But something magical happened as I wrote—I learned.

Writing was like holding a mirror to my mind.

It clarified my thoughts, identified gaps, and solidified my knowledge.

Each blog post became a stepping stone toward greater understanding.

Success in my role began to bloom.

The more I wrote and explained concepts, the more results I generated.

Recognition followed.

Soon, I found myself promoted to a “player-coach” role.

Now, I was more than just responsible for my clients.

But also guiding my peers with theirs.

Teaching was the crucible that tested and tempered my understanding.

Through it, I gained not only knowledge but wisdom.

I listened to their experiences, adapted, and sometimes unlearned to relearn.

The cycle of reading, writing, and teaching forged in me a mastery of outbound sales.

More than that, it filled me with a sense of purpose and fulfillment.

I learned that mastery isn’t a destination; it’s a journey.

It’s one that led me to start this company.

Today, I continue to feed my intellectual curiosity.

I read, drawing inspiration from direct and indirect sources.

I write, sharing insights in my newsletter, LinkedIn, and company blog.

I teach, my team, our clients, and through speaking engagements.

Are you looking to master a new skill or subject?

It’s a path that may be daunting, but it’s one worth traveling.

Read to learn.

Write to understand

Teach to master.

Read To Learn, Write To Understand, Teach To Master.


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