Monday Motivation
“You’re obsessed, addicted, Christian.”

“You’re obsessed, addicted, Christian.”
“Why are you always working?”
“Is that all you think about?”
I’ve heard these murmurs and advice since I was a kid.
In school, sports, and business, I’ve always been driven by a relentless passion.
I recall the stories of greats like Kobe Bryant.
His obsession with basketball and his unparalleled dedication made him a legend.
If he had listened to others and just worked “enough,” he’d never have become the Kobe Bryant we admire.
I thought about Musk, Bezos, Winfrey, and Branson.
Each is a testament to the power of hard work blended with sheer passion.
They didn’t just work; they lived their dreams.
Their stories resonate with me.
But the real epiphany came when I understood that balance is personal.
What seems excessive to one may be just right for another.
If I love what I’m doing, why should I hold back?
Why should I conform to a standard that doesn’t fit me?
Going down a rabbit hole watching videos when discovering something new.
Reading business books for pleasure.
Practicing pickleball like I’m training for college sports.
This isn’t just work or a hobby.
It’s my life.
And I love every minute of it.
Those who are genuinely passionate and find joy in their pursuit are often misunderstood.
But we shouldn’t be held back by conventional notions of balance.
We should embrace our passion, our drive, and our dedication.
If your heart races with excitement for what you do, don’t let others’ voices dictate your journey.
Your balance is yours to define.
Embrace your passion, and let it fuel your success.
The world is changed not by those who follow the rules.
But by those who dare to write their own.
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